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Worldwide Training Aid Agency

Training for personnel operating in crisis areas

The scenery

During emergencies or crises, the safeguarding of corporate assets or qualified corporate resources, both foreign and local, is lost sight of.

It is precisely in these moments that the need emerges to disengage from the institutional channels that are engaged almost exclusively in the evacuation of military or civilian personnel of interest.

For this reason, a specific company area has been created which, released from institutional and public channels and financed only by private individuals who want to protect their local interests, and which can operate to the extent that the crisis conditions allow it but in the interest of financiers.


The main activities of the Worldwide Training Aid Agency

  • Identification of specific training solutions for personnel responsible for protecting corporate activities in crisis areas, also in collaboration with private security & defense agencies.

  • Training of the personnel in charge of intervening both for recovery activities and for first aid health emergency activities.

  • Training of the personnel responsible for the integrated management of the security of company sites both from a management and relational point of view

  • Preliminary analysis on the critical scenarios for the identification of the safety procedures to be implemented in a preventive manner

  • Preparation of emergency projects ready to be financed and operational (See AID Afghanistan 2021 project)

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